1. Kamoto mining data
    1. KML Katanga Mining Limited
    2. Kamoto Mining project (feasibility study executive summary)
    3. Kamoto Mining project (feasibility study economic evaluation)
    4. Full Technical report and economic evaluation
    5. Modèle de formation des gisements de cuivre-cobalt du Shaba en RDC
    6. The mining convention
    7. The agreement between KML and KC has to be renegotiated
    8. RAID Rights and development Economic_Argument for Renegotiation (April 11 2007)
  2. The project is praised and criticized
    1. Article: Avec la mise sur pied de la Kamoto Copper Company : Georges Arthur Forrest crée plus de 12.000 emplois à Kolwezi
    2. Près d'un demi milliard de dollars US pour relancer les usines et mines de Kolwezi
    3. Contrats miniers en Rdc : le sénateur Camille Kos’Isaka Nkombe dénonce la manipulation des Ong belges et britanniques par des intérêts financiers concurrents et certaines personnalités congolaises
    4. Katanga Mining Ltd conduit les affaires selon la loi congolaise, interview avec le Pdg de Katanga Mining Ltd, Arthur Ditto
    5. The agreement between KML and KC has to be renegotiated
    6. Critics
    7. Mining Watch Canada: on Congo - Democratic Republic
    8. Kinross Gold and Katanga Mining: Part of the Pillage of the Democratic Republic of Congo?
    9. The geopolitical stakes of the international mining companies in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    10. Empowering Local Stakeholders Lessons from the South African Black Empowerment Experience
    11. Global Witness: Fraude, abus et exploitation dans les mines de cuivre et de cobalt du Katanga
    12. Letter to Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay re: Kinross-Forrest Joint Venture in D.R. Congo
    13. RELCOF (Réseau de lutte contre la corruption et la fraude) : Bradage Criminel du Patrimoine Minier du Congo
    14. Letter to Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay re: Kinross-Forrest Joint Venture in D.R. Congo (pdf)
    15. Pillage des reserves de Kamoto
    16. Propos d'un administrateur de Gécamines (sur CongoOnline)
    17. Nécessité de remise en cause des conventions minières pour protéger les intérêts de la RDC - rapport Kalala
    18. The agreement between KML and KC has to be renegotiated
    19. extrait du rapport Kalala consacré à Kamoto
    20. Les Mines très convoitées par des grands industriels étrangers
    21. DRC's riches attract greedy foreigners The Star of South Africa
    22. Katanga Mining Limited news on the website of Toronto stock exchange
    23. DRC: Who benefits from the minerals?
  3. Risk factors
    1. Prise en compte des facteurs de risques dans les financements de projets
    2. Where not to invest: risk factors
    3. Credit worthiness ratings
  4. On Gecamines
    1. Wikipedia sur Gécamines
    2. Gécamines par AME Mineral economics
    3. Developing a future for the mining sector in RDC Liege 2007 (participant/congo)
    4. Site de AME mineral economics
  5. Copper and Cobalt specifics
    1. Visual elements periodic table
    2. Copper USGS commodity surveys
    3. Copper in 2005 USGS
    4. Copper facts and knowledge
    5. Copper prices
    6. Copper prices 1900-2004 USGS
    7. Historical Copper prices 1952-2006
    8. International Copper Study Group Directory of copper mines and plants 2000 to 2005
    9. Copper: mineral yearbook 2005 USGS
    10. International copper study group
    11. Cobalt USGS commodity surveys
    12. Cobalt development institute CDI
    13. Cobalt facts and knowledge
    14. Cobalt prices 1900-2004 USGS
    15. Cobalt prices Metalprices.com
    16. Historical Cobalt prices 1952-2005
  6. Other International Copper projects
    1. Nikanor Copper project in DRC
    2. Tenke Fungurume DRC Phelps Dodge
    3. Tenke Fungurume Cu project in RDC
    5. Global Mining news (Behr Dolbear newsletter on Tenke Fungurume Cu project in DRC)
    6. Behr Dolbear Mining consultants web site
    7. Behr Dolbear assessment of GEC/Gecamines JVA for KOV project DRC
    8. International Copper Study Group Directory of copper mines and plants 2000 to 2005
    9. International copper study group
    10. The Life Cycle of Copper, its Co-Products and By-Products
    11. London Metal exchange site
    12. London Metal exchange site: Copper
    13. London Metal exchange site: Cobalt
    14. Commodity Futures Trading Education Resources
    15. Copper outlook
    16. Copper prices
    17. About metals
  7. Mining covenants
    1. Mining act western Australia 1978
    2. Philippines: Marinduqueños unite against mining; december 2003
    3. Sample contract: coal mining lease
    4. Australia: Human Rights based approach to mining on aboriginal land
    5. UN: mining and development; sustainable practices
    6. UN: International law and mineral resources
    7. Framework for Responsible Mining: A Guide to Evolving Standards
  8. Code minier RDC
    1. Retombées du Code minier de 2002 : renaissance de l’activité minière à Kankanda (Katanga)
    2. Problématique de l'application du code minier congolais
    3. Promotion des investissements, le Plan minier mis en exergue à l'atelier de l'IPAD sur les infrastructures
    4. Réforme de la législation minière et rôle des institutions multilatérales de financement dans le développement du secteur minier en RDC
    5. LOI N° 007/2002 DU 11 JUILLET 2002 PORTANT CODE MINIER: Journal Officiel de la RDC 15/7/2002
    6. Site de CongoOnline
    7. Législation RDC: les codes
    8. United Nations report on Africa 2007 (English)
    9. United Nations report on Africa 2007 (French)
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Kamoto Mining Company
Do you think Kamoto Mining Company is unfair to DRC?

Yes I believe KML is unfair to DRC
No KML isn't unfair to KML